Thursday, June 26, 2008

And There's a Creepy Doll

"And there's the creepy doll 
That always follows you 
It's got a ruined eye 
That's always open 

And there's a creepy doll 
That always follows you 
It's got a pretty mouth 
To swallow you whole!"

~Jonathan Coulton, "Creepy Doll"

Back to posting as usual starting friday, poems and all. It was easier to keep up on the photos than the poems while my mom was visiting, so sorry it's been a bit lopsided!

ALSO! I added a link to my friend Brian's page, where he's reading one book a week. Apparently he's been doing this for a couple of months now, and I had no idea? So, there's that to check out.:)

1 comment:

psychicchicks said...

eeeehoooou! very creepy doll, but very nice photo!