Friday, June 20, 2008

Open Sesame

My mom is visiting for the week, and today is the 4-year anniversary of my dad's death, so I'm not sure how fastidious I'm going to be about posting new stuff this week. So I'll be ransacking my old photo albums and poems for new-to-you postables, and leave you with a photo from 826 Valencia, San Francisco, to ponder over your cereal.:)


story teller said...

I laughed :) as for the dad, stuff ah, lost my dad 2 years ago and my mom 2 months ago... I understand. Expect messages... I'm sure he has many. love ebl

story teller said...

ha.. I mean bel

Miss Elaineous said...

Hey Charissa,

I got excited today, because I thought someone had the same name as you on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But no. Her name was Theresa.

You remain the only Charissa I've ever known :)

I think it's only right, really. There's only one of you, after all.

This is a lovely, lovely photograph (you have *more* like this? *nice*! I sense a new-to-us treasure trove of wonder. And a double huzzah to that).

Will be thinking of you this week, pet. If you even need to talk, you know where I am. I'm usually about and easy to find :)


Olga Nunes said...

A) That photo is amazing. :-D

B) It's been four years? Jesus.

*hugs you